Monday, October 6, 2008

Warren Buffett

Here is an hour-long interview with Warren Buffett from last Wednesday; it is very worthwhile.

Key points he makes:
  • The financial systems needed the bailout
  • The American economy is fundamentally sound (not his exact words, but I couldn't resist the chance to once again defend McCain on this: Buffett uses the analogy that the US economy is a world class runner hit by a heart attack)
  • The bailout should emphasize market prices
  • Paulson is the right man for the Treasury job now
  • The AIG bailout was necessary and the government got very good terms on it
  • There is a reasonable likelihood that the US will profit from the bailout
  • Accounting practices should standardize on "mark to market" (where a liquid asset is valued based on the market value instead of hoped-for value or purchase price).
  • Obama's tax plan is good: the rich should pay more

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