Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Debate #2

Actually, it was just debate #1 repeated with questions from the audience instead of a moderator.

In general nothing interesting happened. McCain said some more nonsense, but let me criticize Obama in greater detail.

Obama didn't seem inclined to follow the rules of the debate (much more so than McCain). An unattractive Palin-like attribute.

Further, did you catch the part where Obama said the US economy is strong? Sounds an awful lot like McCain's "fundamentals of the economy are strong" line for which Obama criticized McCain.

Obama also seemed disinterested in allowing for the possibility that the economy will get weaker before it gets stronger. He seemed needlessly naive there, apparently trying to avoid a phantom political missstep of negative talk of the economy.

In general, both Obama and McCain seemed woefully out of touch with the general public. And it still disappoints me that there is noone representing any of the wide range of viewpoints that says the threshold for war should be much higher than Iraq and/or the United States should not be the policeman to the world. (this view encompasses Kucinich, Paul, Pat Buchanan, Dorr's Rebellion and K).

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