Sunday, September 21, 2008

Questions for McPain

Online Obama supporters suggest the right way to expose Palin is to ask her questions on complex topics. I disagree. The week went to Obama strongly because the basic message favored him. Getting out the basic facts about both Palin and McCain will do more good than trying to force gotcha moments. This tactic should work especially well for Palin who has never had to defend the basic facts of her political life.

Here are some sample questions for Palin:

  • In July you said you needed to know what VP actually does before accepting the nomination. So, what does a VP do?
  • When will you provide your tax returns to the public?
  • You said the Iraq war is over oil. Explain what you meant.
  • You've changed your reasons for firing Commissioner Monegan over the past couple months. Why, specifically, did you fire Monegan?
  • What do you think of American Opinion magazine and/or the John Birch society?
  • Why was Wasilla the last town in Alaska to still charge rape victims for tests?
  • Should rape kits include emergency contraception?
  • Were you aware that Senator Obama had proposed a transparency bill that you have touted?

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