Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Veeps have a Chat

I think Mr. Biden won.
Ms Palin was well coached and relentlessly perky, but was clearly supplied with 15 or 20 scripted points, and repeated them with all the perk she could muster. Mr. Biden responded flexibly, personally, and effectively when challenged, and attacked Mr. McCain's record with accurate recollection.
So if the contest was for coffee-maker, Sarah wins.
If the contest is for a responsible job in national government, Joe's the man.

1 comment:

K said...

Agreed. I like the phrase "relentlessly perky."

Since I was aware of her penchant for the glittering generality she came off to me as having a 1/4 inch veneer that, alas, couldn't be punctured in this debate format. It's hard for me to project what undecided voters would have seen.