Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Election status report

Obama took a commanding lead; the race tightened somewhat. Now it appears that Obama is holding steady with a significant advantage, albeit smaller than his largest lead.

Prediction markets peg an Obama victory at a likelihood of 84% and give 364 as the over/under
on his electoral vote count.

Five-thirty-eight gives Obama a 92.5% chance of victory with 344 projected EVs. Furthermore 538 currently projects Democratic Senate pickups in all major battles including: MN, NC, OR and AK.

On the newspaper endorsement front, Obama leads 112 to 39. (Kerry barely beat Bush in 2004 in newspaper endorsements). At least 25 papers endorsed Bush in 2004, but Obama in 2008.

The election is 14 days away and there's not alot of opportunity for McCain to convert voters barring an extraordinary event.

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