Sunday, September 14, 2008

A painful map has a map with current projections of the presidential electoral college.

It's particularly painful, not because Obama gets blown out, but rather because he loses
270-268: the best Obama can do without winning. The map has him winning Colorado, but
losing Nevada and New Mexico. Note the irony that Obama "wins" 269-269 if he wins NM and NV, but loses CO.

Chuck Todd from MSNBC, who is VERY sharp on poll numbers, delivered bad news on MTP today saying that late deciders will split 70% McCain: apparently due to racism (independents/dems who don't want to vote for a black person, but won't admit it over the phone). I don't really get it, since if they know they're not voting Barack why can't they just say they're voting McCain. Maybe the pollsters ask issue questions too, and it would look awkward to say you agree with Obama on everything and then say you're voting McCain.

1 comment:

K said...

The most recent version of this map has put Virginia and Pennsylvania in the exactly tied column. This is consistent with news items showing that Virginia is running out of voter registration forms.

On the other hand, this news conflicts with reports that Obama is asking Virginians to help in Pennsylvania which suggests Obama has given up on Virginia.